Staying in the light and finding the truth.

A defining moment is when we face a truth that we didn’t know or purposely forgot. As we realize this truth, our view of life or the way we perceive relationships changes. Responding appropriately to this truth can transform our lives forever. We all have defining moments in our lives that bring us face to face with an old principle or truth, which may force us to view all of life through that lens.

For me, one of those defining moments was after deciding for Christ. I did not immediately see the change I thought I would see. I left church because I felt I was being a plastic Christian and a hypocrite. See I was entangled in a sin, that at that time, seemed like I was never going to overcome. Everything I tried failed. I would get disgusted with myself and scream, “I’m going to pull myself up by my own bootstraps, all by my own efforts!” No matter how far I tried to run and hide from the truth, I knew one thing for sure: Jesus was the only answer. I didn’t understand how he could be the answer when my sins were so habitual. I was in such pain over the sin in my life and was always crying out to God to take this away. I felt so guilty and ashamed. God heard my cry, and he answered in a way I would never have thought for myself; he used a book. The book was ‘The Bondage Breaker’ by Neil T Anderson. God used this broken time in my life to show me a love I never knew before. Before this, I’m sorry to report that I had never read a book my whole life. This book spoke directly to my heart, and I could not put it down. This is when God showed me His grace and told me everything I ever did was under the forgiving blood of Jesus.  He showed me who I was created to be.


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